If For No Other Reason Than To Say I Did

Still, this silly fool wanted to get something of my own creation into the Folger’s Jingle Contest. The deadline is just a few days away…I’m not particularly proud or thrilled with my submission but I am in there! I finished my submission yesterday. I don’t think I’m going to post it here… I ended up feeling really silly. I almost think it’s comical. Utterly corny and a bit over the top. I wrote it in my songwriting style and it’s authentic to me. That is about as much credit as I can muster. It’s moody and maybe melancholy, not as upbeat as it should be. I could second guess my submission all day but I did try and I put forth effort. If “Lady Luck” wants on smile on me, at least I’m in there! I’m thinking probably not my best work… I looked at a few of the previous submissions and they were all young adults. So I decided to throw caution to the wind and not care too much… I just wanted to get something in there! Just to be able to say, I did that once! Almost a bit of rebellion and maybe some sarcasm. I understand that I don’t fit the stereotype or demographic they are trying to attract. I just wanted to put in my two cents!
As I mentioned in a previous post, my “Rose Colored Glasses”, are off about what I had hoped I could accomplish in music. Kind of freeing not having anyone to impress. My musical contribution is all for me. Whatever I want to do, if I suck at it who cares! It’s my musical expression and my right to post it lol. If anything, this revelation frees me up to take creative risks without fear of failure. I hit rock bottom with my SoundCloud channel. I checked my stats and for the first time in the two years I’ve had my account, I had zero, -0- plays for the day. It doesn’t get more sobering and real than that! The musical side of me is just something I don’t want to let go of. The last little bit of individuality that I have. Other than music, I am just whatever anyone in my family needs me to be…I suppose that is how so many women feel, I’m not alone!
This, was my turning point… I poured my heart, fingers and being into this intro/song…it isn’t at all of interest to anyone but me so…I get it!!!
I also incorporated an orchestra track for a more rich, grandeous and polished composition… no one at all took interest… I get it, I suck! I just don’t want to suck lol…I wanted so much to be good!

Zoe had her first two JV Lacrosse games this week. Her team won them both! Go Thunder!!!!

Here is a pic of one of the meals I made for a few of her friends before the game. Trying to get meals into sports kids is a challenge when they don’t have much time between school, practices, games and then homework! This is new for me, being a sports Mom.