Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
The Fire Breathing Dragon Days Of Summer

Between laundry, unpacking, cleaning and cooking, I have been busy. I have one more week of my 28 day fitness challenge with Fit Body left. Taking that week off, was un helpful! I feel like I undid whatever progress I was making! I actually feel as if I miss my own routine of power walking and jogging. I have however, learned a lot of new exercises to incorporate into my own regime for continued progress? The walk/jog routine that I was doing gave me an outlet in which to meditate. I miss that!
An adoption caseworker is coming tomorrow to get us started on that path. I was told that the process can take 2-4 months. She will give me a list of attorneys to call. I will know more tomorrow how this procedure works and what is required to accomplish this.
Back to school shopping is right around the corner and this year we have two to shop for. School starts August 1st here. Alissa is starting kindergarten! I have already enrolled her in school. It has been a long hot summer here in Phoenix. All this week it will be 110+. The monsoons are delayed. We have had really no break from the scorching sun at all! Forget the dog days of summer…in Phoenix it’s fire breathing dragon days! Already 18 days of temps above 110 this year.
I decided that I should make some playlists of my SoundCloud tracks. Maybe it will make it easier for people to find my music? If you are interested, please click on the links below to listen to them!
Roger Hodgson Covers:
Rick Davies Covers:
These are the two separate Supertramp songwriters of which I cover. I will start with these.
Have a great day!
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