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Las Vegas For The Opportunistic And Opulent Ambience

Here is my view from our room at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. We are vacationing and I’m running around with this iPad taking pictures! I have this to say about Vegas… It’s surely something to see but expensive! Opulent and ridiculously expensive. To go off the strip is to find yourself in dirt poor industrial surroundings. It’s a crazy difference. The street players and homeless people are everywhere. Everyone and every nuisance is opportunistic. A person in a superman costume photo bombed our family picture then asked/ demanded $5.00 from us because he was in our pic… I am disappointed this trip. I have been to Vegas before but this time it just feels like a money grubbing hole in the earth…

We want to the Venitician to look around. I had so wanted to go to Carlos Bakery of (Cake Boss) fame. I talked and talked about seeing this. If you follow my blog you would understand this desire of mine.

What a huge disappointment this was! Small beyond belief and expensive. We didn’t even buy any pastry. We just left… Sad! The bakery in our Hotel, Madelines, has beautiful looking pastries! I think I will go see if I can grab one of those and some pics.
Here are a few more pics of the Venitican
Anyway more to come!