Friday, February 28, 2025

Taking Charge Of My Space And Livelihood


Taking Charge Of My Space And Livelihood

My project is finally done! I got rid of all of the wood! I thought I’d never get this backyard clean up project done. The firewood and mesquite branches were endless. I was able to find a man on “OfferUp”, who wanted all the wood. He brought a chain saw set up. I helped him cut it all and pack it up in his truck to cart off. Now when I look out over the backyard I feel a sense of peacefulness! Stillness and quiet comes to mind.

I finished my yard project just in time to start my new job. It was a ton of work but terrific for my mind, body and spirit. The perfect therapy for sure!

This is just the bark that fell off of all that wood…I’ll dispose of the rest of the debris little bit by little bit in my trash can weekly.
It’s official! Name tag and apron, let’s go! I actually have another full day of training on the computer. I’ll be starting training in the deli department soon…
I began my new job yesterday. I’m in training to become a deli worker at a local Frys grocery. This is the first job I’ve had in decades. I, was a homemaker for decades! 
I’m a Union worker… an essential worker now.
My first day of work.

I’m starting to navigate outwardly. I’m coming out of my shell… I was hiding and grieving and angry, so angry! I finally posted a statement on my Facebook page. Everything thing I ever post there is so positive and pretty lol. So contrary to how awful life can get. I decided to get real although, I didn’t go into what’s really going on! All you gather from this post is a disconnect… This is the first I’ve mentioned anything on my Facebook page! I felt it was time to announce the split.

*Sometimes, life and the people closest to you throw you a major curveball. Leaving complete destruction and life as you knew it to be, has imploded. With far reaching, unthinkable devastation. Every person who trusted and believed in the family they thought they had, has been emotionally and financially obliterated!

My whole family, is currently under reconstruction, reorganization and a major reboot! Our lives, forever changed…

Tomorrow, I start my new job after being a homemaker for decades. I’m working on embracing change but oh my, it’s a lot. I’m hoping to rise up and become an inspiration. Grow my testimony and my skill set…
Or maybe, just to make it will be enough for now?!

*Oh by the way, I am cleaning houses as a side hustle. PM if you know of or need housecleaning or homemaking services.
I appreciate all of you and our friendship!
Just thought it was time to get real here.
My new motto is, “Fake it till you make it”. Deep down inside, I’m shaking in my shoes…

Bougainvillea’s are a pain to trim. Big long thorns that hurt. Glad to have trimmed them back though, they are brambly! 

I’m getting my self set up to navigate life. I have some terrific close friends and family. I am grateful for the encouragement and support! 

I’ve found my side hustle brings me peace and joy. Cleaning houses is something I actually enjoy doing for people! I just need to build up a clientele, a few steady paying house gigs for that extra security. Yes it takes 2 or 3 jobs to make this world go around with a 14 year old to raise.

I’ve hit the ground running…

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