Friday, February 28, 2025

Taking Out The Trash


Taking Out The Trash

Still homemaking even though my focus really needs to be on gainful employment! I have to surrender my urge to be a homebody! It has to be about survival mode here! 

Chicken Wonton Soup that I made last night. 
This was a big undertaking! Years and years of my ex husband hoarding crap! Wood and junk and plastic tubing. Oh my goodness his messes were all over the yard! Everywhere I looked was just bombarded with junk. I let him live the way he wanted. I didn’t disturb his disturbing hoarding type of messes. Holy cow, yuck. 

It is becoming a much less cluttered yard! It’s peaceful and will be completely clutter free once I’m able to get rid of the wood in the back and trim up the back, overgrown neighbors tree…

Taking out the trash is cathartic and a renewal. The physical labor was like therapy. My thoughts, my intentions and my pain, all recognized by my spirit. Symbolic of the new life I’m manifesting. Now comes the money part… Wish me luck as I endeavor to prosper enough to feel some sense of footing and financial security soon! 
My oldest daughter gave me these beautiful flowers for Valentine’s Day!
My youngest daughter sent these beautiful roses to me for Valentine’s Day!

Yesterday’s project. I painted this rust spotted galvanized tub. I found six packets of vegetable seeds and I planted them in this! Making something grow would also be cathartic after such a devastating catastrophic life event. People should plant gardens after they experience traumatic events. Watching something grow and being a contributing factor in that process is healing and a positive manifestation. 

⬆️ Wish me luck as I desperately try to climb out of this feeling! Overwhelmed doesn’t even touch on the anxiety I am feeling…

Trying to magic up a career after having been a homemaker for 24 years… daunting and stressful x10! 

We are surviving but the devastation and uncertainty are looming! Criminal investigation is still pending! No DNA results yet. Waiting is a real test of patience. The devastation has already been done. The DNA findings don’t change anything that happened. They just determine prosecution or no prosecution 😳🙄. 

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