Without preaching to you, I want to urge all of my friends to listen to what I have to say...
❤️Heart disease effects so many who don’t even realize it. You may have genetic risk factors even if you feel healthy. Family history plays a big part in your #hearthealth. I recently became aware of a painless, non invasive test that is under utilized and you almost have to ask your Dr. for it. They don’t seem to think about offering it. ????
It’s called a #CalciumHeartScoreTest. Essentially, it’s a special MRI imaging test that measures the amount of #plaque /#calcification ,in the vessels and arteries of your #heart. It takes 10 min, no dye/contrast injection. *It can save your life!
The information it gives your Dr., can save you from a sudden heart attack! It’s a great start in taking charge of your heart health. I urge all of you with any risk factors to go get this done! Ask your Dr. about it and see if you would benefit from this test. Know your numbers, they just might save you from a silent killer❤️!
Someone very near to me has just found out that this is their lot. I am currently experiencing second hand knowledge of what it all is from a patient view.
Since I'm a blogger, I wanted to share the info that I am witnessing and learning about as we go. From the patient aspect, not clinical. When I was reading up on heart score testing, what I could find about it was written in medical lingo, jargon and was vague.
I'd like to be able to put this phase of Coronary Artery Disease discovery into layman's terms!
Echo Cardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart, is the next non invasive test that will be happening on Monday. This gives a heart specialist (radiographer), information about the heart structure, walls, thickness and or abnormalities if any. This test is done before they do a Angiogram which will be done later this next week.
Having been diagnosed with 8X the bad risk factor according to this persons Calcium Heart Score,The Cardiologist more than suspects blockages. The question becomes, how bad are they? Beta Blocker and even nitroglycerin pills have been prescribed as well as information given about when to go to the ER. No physical exertion is allowed until further notice. It's serious folks. A 56 year old, relatively young person is facing an uncertain scary new predator, Cardiovascular Disease!
Being told you could have a heart attack at any time is so scary. I've been watching this person become more and more vulnerable to this. Lack of interest, extreme fatigue, chest pains and even memory loss. I had no clue what was happening.
This person has been on medication and has been seen regularly by a physician! With all of the predisposition and risk factors that have been known about this individual... I find it incredibly negligent that we had to ask the overseeing physician for a test!
How is it that we had to connect the dots and not the medical professional? I take exception to the audacity this Dr. has in acting so surprised at the extremely high heart score numbers. This "Primary Care" Dr. has been seeing and treating this patient with many risk factors for over a decade! This simple test didn't come to mind in the past 10 + years you have been treating this person? Ugh...
Now we are here, and I'm scared. I'm watching and I am deeply effected by whatever happens next... Invested in overseeing the emotional and physical well being of this person. I feel weary but I'm going to chose a stiff upper lip as they call it. I feel a "Calgon, take me away", moment in my near future. Now, I'm showing my age... Getting older isn't for sissies!
This happens to be so delicious that I would chose to eat this often!!!! Yum. You can never eat too healthy! All of this heart scare has me making dietary changes as well although I've been eating like this for awhile. Salads are my favorite thing to eat. I won't become the obnoxious diet police. I tried that 10 years ago to no avail!
It will however be my personal choice to make some improvements for myself. As well as my favorite power walk jogs...Speaking of which, I'm outta here, going for a walk because, I can! 
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