Friday, November 30, 2018

The Queen Of Something More
An affirmation ⬆️ of what I would love to change about my life. I'd love to be able to break out of the cocoon that binds and gags me lol ... I feel oppressed and depressed in the current state in which I find myself. Probably like a lot of you? So maybe this is a very relatable song! Maybe, you also play the woulda, shoulda, coulda game with yourself? You know the one, "what if I zigged instead of zagged"... That one, is especially tough to contemplate! Oh my gosh. Well, this song cuts straight to my feeling about what I didn't do to fulfill myself as a person. I'm good at being everyone else's cheerleader but when it comes to taking care of my own dreams and desires, I fall short!
It's never too late to dream and dream big. I'm not done as I am still breathing... I get up each day hoping I'll run across, create that magic formula that propels me into my self fulfilling fantasy. Sometimes I get discouraged and sometimes, I even lose sight of what that looks like in my head. I am however sure that I am not living up to my fullest potential. I remind myself of this every time I clean toilets and the cat litter box lol...
I am content with myself, just not with where I have gotten to yet.
Maybe, you can relate? I think it really hit me the other day when we were buying a car. Because I am a stay at home homemaker, with no job- I haven't amassed enough credit to be on an auto loan and or therefore the title of our car. I get to own nothing!!! How's that for a reality check?! Yet another reminder of Something More Than Nothing... What the hell did I do to myself? All of this and I've been stone cold sober my whole life! " Calgon,Take Me Away!"

He looks awfully cute in this box doesn't he?

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