Not much to do when your wings are clipped. Down to one car finds me home most of the time. I'm hoping that he fixes it for real this time. Small budget fixes via YouTube videos. He does repairs this way. Mostly they work?
Speaking of YouTube, I'm so sad that they just took geography away from me. I don't have enough traffic on my channel and they just keep taking away features that I enjoy. I enjoy seeing what country a song is being viewed from! Now, the only analytics I can see are what device and operating system was used to view my video. Useless information! YouTube would like to shake off all of the small fish like me... I'm so sad!! I wrote to them and sadly, no response back.
My cousin died a few days ago. She was probably ready to go as she had been ill for a long time and was miserable. She was an active wonderful lady with many talents! She was a crafter and she made many lovely handcrafted pieces! Full of spunk and life until she became ill. Although we weren't very close, I admired her so much. She will be missed and I feel like my world just keeps getting smaller with each passing. The people that actually knew me as a kid are mostly gone! The people that I grew up with have passed away! I feel so alone in the world! I suppose that is very common the older you get!
The family I have created is pretty much all I have left. I'm looking to expand my world and get out of this funk! Turn over a "Fall" leaf lol and start anew! I've been keeping busy and active and who has time for the nonsense of being a small fish in a big pond. On to the next adventure whatever that is... 
Here I come! See the resemblance hahaha...⬆️ Have a good weekend all!
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