I couldn't wait any longer. I decorated for Fall. It's still hot although maybe not as hot as it was? Today is going to be 105+. Every year we get to September and I think maybe if I decorate for Fall, it will feel like Fall? I should know by now that Phoenix is September is still brutal. The temps are unrelenting and it's HOT! Even in October most years we have 100 degree temps! In November however, it cools down so much that we are suddenly into winter. But because we live with such extreme temps for half of the year, when it cools down we really feel cold! Our blood thins and cold temps feel extremely cold to us!
I drug out my Fall dinnerware.

I made homemade Banana Bread...
As if we could sit out on the patio 🤣... my eclectic mismatched vinyl patio table covers lol...
I even found the Scarecrow girl that could pass for Amelia's twin. See the resemblance? Amelia asked me to find and put up the Scarecrow gal that looks like her... I'm thrilled that she appreciates that I decorate for the seasons and holidays. Nobody else in my home seems to care.
Touches of fall are pretty much everywhere throughout my house!
My favorite season of the year and it's the only season that Phoenix doesn't ever experience! Again, this realization and thought brings with it the question... Why do I live here in Phoenix?
I dream in a Fall color palette. I absolutely love the colors of Fall. I grew up in Pennsylvania and I miss that snap of Fall. The leaves, the crisp air. The feelings the season evokes!
I'm manifesting Fall in my own little world and in my mind!
If I could find a niche in home decorating I'd love to do it.
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