Heat Don’t Defeat Me

I handcrafted a photo garland with 16 pictures of my daughter. Although she isn’t wild about this photo garland, she didn’t seem too upset. Super easy to make with different colors of ribbon. I spent hours looking in stores and online for a decorative garland to swag on the mirror. They were expensive and senseless to me. I came home and decided to make my own using ribbon. I like the simplicity but yet the additional color this adds to my dessert buffet. Not to mention that I love all 16 of the pictures that I gathered from around the house!

This light panel on the wall won’t be here for the birthday party. We needed a place to hang them on so they could hang out. They are going outside in the yard for some dining ambience.

Ok so this may be over kill… I so wanted to use this punch bowl of my Mom’s. I floated candles, silk flowers and some water centerpiece beads that I purchased from a craft store. This may be pretty as a centerpiece for the gift table. I haven’t decided if I like the look of this yet…
Sunday we spent hours in the yard raking, organizing and cleaning up the yard. It was 105 degrees and so very hot! My 7 year old, Amelia would spray us with water 

from the hose every 15 minutes or so we could continue working! The following day we were all pretty wiped out. The heat wears you down. We had been working out in the heat for about 5 hours…

Fortunately the evening of the party is projected to be cool and nice! Tolerable! I ordered a few current Karaoke CD’s for the kids to hopefully have fun with at the party. I love hearing the kids sing and have a good time!!! Music is such a big part of life. It’s so much fun being able to hear and share in that with teenagers! Last year we had the karaoke system out there and my mics, amp and P.A. They had a blast! Even the boys! So we hope this year it will still be fun for them.
Amelia hung in there and cooled us off! Summer is here in Phoenix!

Today is Tuesday, at least for another 1/2 hour – Two 4 Tuesday- click on the link