Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Look At Me I'm A Speck Of Sand

Look At Me I’m A Speck Of Sand

Whirlwind California vacation. A flurry of activity and a lot of miles traveled. We put over 2500 miles on our car in six days. The vacation was centered around seeing relatives. We were however able to squeeze in some time to admire the great Pacific Ocean, tour Stanford University, visit the Apple Campus as well as Google’s Campus. We took in some of the wonderful diversity in the Silicon Valley as we were witness to a beautiful Indian wedding ritual. Spuring us to seek out a delicious Indian food dinner while in the San Jose area.

Amelia had a wonderful time looking for shells and small creatures. It was so windy that day! This was taken in Monterey, CA.

Windy and oh so chilly but, invigorating. A 45+ degree temperature change from the 108 degree Phoenix weather we had just come from.

We made our way to my hometown, Morro Bay, CA. We only had about 5 hours there. I loved every second of being home… As soon as I saw Morro Rock, I felt a sense of joy and peace…Such a gorgeous area that I used to take for granted! I lived in San Luis Obispo county for 36 years.

This is a wonderful quaint little place off the water that I would go to for my Karaoke fix. I would come here to sing. I have never been able to completely ignore the musical side of me that wants go come out and play.
While I was in Morro Bay, this song kept running through my thoughts and my heart. Part of me is so frustrated that I can’t get anyone to listen! Going home is kind of lonely thing to do. My immediate family has no ties to the area and they don’t share in my joy for being there.  
“Look at me, I’m a speck of sand…”
Two Of  Us is written by Roger Hodgson. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Summer Is Here Oh Dear

Summer Is Here Oh Dear 

Disappointment is looming within me. All of this that I do in music is close to my heart. Some of the songs that I learn and generate touch me so personally. Others are a brief infatuation. Some, I am so excited to share for a multitude of reasons. Originals of course are always like that because they come from deep inside of your "artistic" place obviously. Some covers though feel more special than others. The challenge to put together or maybe just the chord progressions that grip you emotionally. Intensity and energy that they are to do mentally… Anyway, when you are on fire for what it is you have done that you are really pleased with and it falls flat… such a lonely feeling! You feel so misunderstood and you wonder why others don’t want to share in your joy. Almost makes you question your own perception and perspective! You begin to wonder why you feel so excited about something nobody else has any interest in taking the time to listen to! I pick covers of songs many times that aren’t hits. Obscurity is probably part of the issue with my latest SoundCloud cover. As with originals, obscure songs are hard to get people to listen to. My originals are so difficult to get heard!  
This cover makes me happy to share because of the intensity it took to produce the outcome. In this, I am beaming…Something about this one is very special to me. 
Here is the link.
⬇️ click on my picture and it will take you there…
This week, actually Tuesday is the last day of school for my Kindergarten gal. I think it’s sweet she doesn’t want it to end! She has been tearful about her school year being finished! She has had the best experience I could have hoped for! A wonderfully patient and good teacher! My little gal is starting to read and has a love of books and reading! Amelia has learned so much and had a lot of fun with the process! I’m thrilled with her progress.
In this past week, I attended two end of the year class preformances and a late Mother’s Day lunch with daughter Britt. Britt took me to lunch at a beautiful outdoor Aviary in downtown Chandler. The weather was beautiful and the birds chirped and spoke to all of us while we ate. The food was delicious and the company terrific! Such a nice Mother’s Day lunch out!

Aaron’s performance….

Amelia’s performance…

It was hat day, crazy hair day, PJ day, Hawaiian and Western Day all this past week… 
Zoe finished school this week and I ran a bunch of her friends around to lunch…

Crazy busy but many fun times for all… We are going to squeeze in a vacation to California here soon. A visit to my native state and the ocean is just what I need. Only a five day trip but a welcome change from the desert! Summer is here…kids will be home and oh boy… 
Have a great Sunday!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Two Of Us Cover

Two Of Us Cover

Two Of Us -Written by Roger Hodgson.  My musical cover. I play by ear. I decided to post just the music. The music itself, is what I would want you to hear.  No vocals just music.
Click on the link⬇️
Two Of Us (with vocals!)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ooey Gooey And Just Perfect For Mother's Day

Ooey Gooey And Just Perfect For Mother’s Day

I usually buy the popular brand of semi- homemade products. I have no clue why I tried this other than it was at least a dollar cheaper. It was for Mother’s Day weekend and I thought what the heck… It was different right from the start. It came with a special cinnamon glaze as well as the icing. You slather the cinnamon spirals with the cinnamon glaze and bake them. After they come out of the oven you ice them with the provided icing. I can not tell you how good these were! I was amazed by how much more delicious these are in comparison to the name brand product! These are amazingly good! I will buy this product over any other I’ve tried when buying semi-homemade cinnamon rolls.

My family enjoyed these so very much. They were perfect! Thank you Kroger!
On Sunday, I was taken to a beautiful brunch @ Talking Stick Resort. We have done this buffet several times before. It wasn’t as good as we were hoping for. Extremely expensive and the food just wasn’t up to par this year. It was however lovely and fun thing to do once you get finished standing in line for an hour and a half…

This Mothers Day was also Zoe’s Birthday. It was the first time that Mother’s Day fell on her birthday that I can recall. So, we shared the day… she enjoyed her birthday party the weekend before this year so it was just our immediate family.

We had a nice quiet day. Now back to the business of life… Wednesday is the last day of school for Zoe. Amelia has another week to go. Crazy busy! 
I think this video depicts my thoughts on Mother’s Day and kids… Colour My World written by James Pankow.
I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! 

Friday, May 12, 2017

A Couple Of Boxes Of Clairol And A New Perspective

A Couple Of Boxes Of Clairol And A New Perspective

I’m not ashamed to tell you that I color my own hair. The salon prices are ridiculous and I would rather spread what little monthly fun money I have on other things… I realize it may not even look that great but I’m okay with just trying to look good lol.
Who the heck cares… I tried lol! I will however use the rest of my gift certificate to get a pedicure. I think I have $10.00 left of a gift certificate that was given to me for Valentine’s Day. I like having nice smooth feet! I beat the heck out of my feet from walk/jogging and running around constantly… I like having nice feet for sandals! 
Praying For Time-
This comes to the forefront of my mind… I am once again reminded of the fragility of life. A sophomore that my daughter Zoe is aquainted with died suddenly this week! A little gal who had a lot going for her who was involved with theater and probably many activities… much like my own daughter! A gal who posted only a few days before her passing about a swimsuit that she wanted to have… No indication of any illness or complaint, just teenage musing in her social media posts. 
Shot down by a brain aneurysm! A catastrophic brain bleed… Here one day and gone way too soon!!! I haven’t been able to let go of and shake the sadness of this gals passing. I can’t imagine the pain her parents are navigating from. A gal so full of promise, hopes and dreams… I keep trying to understand how and why! So very sad. We all think we can make all of these plans and we forget how quickly things can change!
My little “World”, sure did change perspective this week…My heart aches for these strangers that I have never met. I don’t mean to impose my sadness on my readers… just a reminder to savor all of the good that comes into your lives. Leave no stone unturned and say the words to those you cherish.  Figure out what you want to accomplish here and begin trying to execute your desires. Time is fleeting! Be the best you that you can be… Sometimes a couple of boxes of Clariol helps…