tynajoymetzner (my WordPress blog ID)
Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
⬆️* I see here that a lot of my pics didn't copy to this post. I originated this post on WordPress so please check out this same post there @ my WordPress!
Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
⬆️* I see here that a lot of my pics didn't copy to this post. I originated this post on WordPress so please check out this same post there @ my WordPress!
Thanksgiving Dreamer With Big Dreams Wishing On Stars

I suppose that I’m doing what a lot of you are doing in getting organized for Thanksgiving!

A variation here and there on some old family recipes… Grocery shopping, hunting down the roasting pan rack… Setting the table…

Food is accomplished in stages… Boiling the eggs for the deviled eggs that I will make tomorrow. Making my jello cranberry salad today…
Waiting for the window company to come and finish up the trim around the new front room windows…
Hugging my beautiful, sweet old kitty who is declining…Twink darling!

Went to see a concert @ Talking Stick Resort last Saturday. Journey ! If you have an opportunity to go see Journey, do! They are flawless, have a ton of great energy and are tight beyond belief. Definitely a great body of work and many hits to share. Such a great experience. The venue by the pool at Talking Stick is just amazing at night. It just so happened to be in the 70’s that night. Perfect for an outdoor concert! Pretty with the water and the lights…

I am so excited to go see Roger Hodgson in about 10 days! He is touring Canada right now but will be in Tucson and then in Phoenix on Dec. 2nd. This may be his last concert so near me so I am thrilled to going! If you follow this blog than you know how much this means to me! I’m taking my daughter Britt and it is my dream to meet Roger. When you sit and ponder what it is you would want to say to your idol you quickly realize that anything you could say, has already been said by the thousands of fans he meets every tour. Not a thing could I say that would be something new! I am just a fan like all of his fans that are in awe of his amazing talents! The fact that I cover his music is probably an annoyance to him if he even knows of me…
His very sweet fan club administrator so graciously helped me to get an invite to the Soundcheck before the concert. I was told that he doesn’t meet people at the Soundcheck. Only at the paid for meet and greets after the show. So I’m not expecting that I will get to meet him. It was however, very sweet of the President of his fan club to intercede on my behalf. I will take what I can get lol.
A silly thought crossed my mind… I wish I could invite him and his band for dinner. I would love to cook for them! How silly huh…In reality, I’m just another crazed fan who is star struck. A girl can dream…
I wrote a song about fantasy and wishing on stars…
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