Friday, May 8, 2015

Stage Fright Or Fun Night Which Will It Be

I put a lot of energy forth when I do anything. I think I'm pretty intense. I'm all in when I'm in. I have been working hard to make something more than nothing of my little homemakers life. I put a ton of energy into trying to developing my YouTube channel and SoundCloud acct. I have worked it like a job and put hours and heart toward trying to become solid enough to be marketable. I guess it's silly to someone looking in. My age, and whatever else you want to say about me... I am however being as genuine to my true self that I can be. This is who I am. This is who I was when I was a kid too.

 Click of this link ➡️ Pieces Of Songs I Could Just Play AS A Kid


An original, Lost In The Game...

So, my point is that I am trying to get somewhere with this. I was feeling good-ish about where I was heading. I know that all of this in the past year and a half has been great for me as a person. I beginning to think maybe that other people have enjoyed it too? I have received some very nice comments on my channel. I'm to the point now where I am thinking that I might try to venture out a little locally.  I hear that a place in Tempe, AZ has an open mic night. I think you are alotted 15 min. I think that is perfect. A test of my courage and my marketability locally. A place to test myself out.

I do so wish in ways that I had a band. I'm not sure that I want to be the whole enchilada. That, is a 
lot of pressure! My savant is strange too. I know the songs that I know... I can't just play anything so 
requests are a problem. I'm not sure how that will go over. I can sit here and second guess myself and talk myself out of it or I can try. 

Tender Years... 

Saturday In The Park

Wish me luck as I try to work up the nerve to test this whole music thing out. ..

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