A Blog about life and living through my life experience and perspective. I am a writer, singer/songwriter childhood savant musician...Trying to find my niche and stake my place in society...
Two of my daughters happen to be here visiting at the same time. A rare occurrence lately! Both daughters are working on Easter Sunday so I decided to improvise and create a nice meal for dinner tonight. All of my kids like my spaghetti sauce and ask me to make it when they are home. Along with a nice salad and some Texas toast, it will be weeknight meal. I have been wanting to bake for Easter do I have baked some 8 inch Carrot Cake rounds.
I added a small cup of Applesauce for an extra moist cake.
I add a small cup of Applesauce to the Carrot Cake batter for an extra moist cake.Prepared batter…into the oven it went. I baked the rounds for 28 min. @ 350 degrees.Cool for a least a couple of hours…I couldn’t find any green food coloring in my pantry so I used drops of yellow and blue food coloring to make green grass colored shredded coconut. Hint, yellow and blue make green! My cake plate and cake will be adorned with theses Easter goodies and the green shredded Coconut…Here is my finished Carrot Cake. Spaghetti Sauce, Salad and Garlic Texas ToastFettuccine noodles
The weather has been beautiful here in Phoenix! Patio Dwelling is nice while the weather stays cool enough!
Hi there! Hope all is well with you. Of course I have no clue who reads my posts on Sundays but someone has been. I guess I have a fan that I’m unaware of. How nice it would be for you to drop me a comment here! I would love to know who finds my posts interesting enough to check back on Sundays…
It’s been a interesting week for me personally… ups and downs and all around lol. I’m so glad that school has gone back to in person learning! I’m thrilled as most kids and parents are!
Today, is my favorite songwriters/ composers bday. I am thrilled to have been invited by his fan club administrator, to submit a cover track for a tribute video. I have no idea what part of my cover song track will be used for the video greeting. I am thrilled to be a part of celebrating Roger Hodgson! He has so many fans across the globe. Ladies adore and love him.
Here is the YouTube Link for the video I contributed to!
My Facebook feed is full of many many ladies whom have taken pictures with him. Men love him too. A truly lovable ambassador of feelings and music. Roger has a special ability to connect with people on a very personal level. His music and songs touch the inner core of his fans. His compositions are relatable and honest. Not always rosy and upbeat… Sometimes, his music encourages us, to grieve losses. Tears flow and believe it or not, you feel better!
The cover composition that I shared can be found on my SoundCloud channel, here is the link…
I thought this track might work well in a slideshow? As I said, I’m not sure what portion would be factored into the video greeting… I have great hope of meeting Roger one day. I too would like my picture with this magical man along with the memory…
Have a wonderful Sunday! Please drop me a line in the comments, you know who you are. I’d love to hear from you!
I had the most amazing afternoon yesterday. I took several hours to visit my happy place. Playing music is the most amazing, spirit filling and soul searching experience. I love to dwell there in my music. I posted 4 fresh, new tracks to my SoundCloud Channel. Here are the links.
⬆️ This song is the cover of a little known song from the Chicago VIII album. I have always loved the beautiful guitar work! I don’t play guitar. I have a keyboard that allows me the opportunity to try to replicate the nuance? Hey, I tried lol!
This second cover, is of a song that I equate to my Mom’s passing. The 19 year anniversary of her passing ,was yesterday- A fitting way to spend the afternoon. I miss her every day, still! She was a grand lady and I’m so glad that she was my Mom. My bestie for sure as well! The original Queensryche version played on the radio in my car shortly after my Mom passed away. It was so beautiful and it brought me to tears every time I heard it. It reminded me of my Mom so much!!! It felt as if she had sent me the song to listen to and grieve. A very, very special song to me…
The third song- Tender Years Cover is from a movie called, “Eddie and The Cruisers”. I loved the movie and the music. The music, is authentic and simple but sweet. Romantic comes to mind! I recorded this from my iPhone. I rested the phone on my keyboard. Silly me, you can hear the keys clacking as they are being played… I decided to upload it anyway because it felt authentic and was raw, from my vantage point. ⬇️
Again, I enjoyed playing this in a guitar voice. I suppose that at times I really wish that I could play the guitar! I play piano and a few woodwind instruments. I never got the hang of a guitar although, I can pick bass lines and melodies on a guitar…
This folk style cover, is a Gordon Lightfoot treasure. I had a boyfriend back in the 80’s who loved Gordon Lightfoot. It wasn’t until we quit dating that I learned this cover… Too bad he never knew the impact and enjoyment sharing this music with me had on my spirit! I don’t even think he knew that I played the piano lol… Not many people ever knew that I played.
I only came out of my piano comfort zone barricade 7 years ago when I became a YouTube creator! I played in a band when I was young. A lot of people from my CA. hometown of Morro Bay/ Los Osos knew of me from the band I had been with. Later, when the kids were young, I did a lot of Karaoke in my hometown. I was in local Karaoke contests and kept myself aspiring to keep music alive in my life. About 8 years ago, I bought my keyboard. It has enriched my life so much! I have found my happy place through creating music. I have written originals as well. Nothing is more rewarding than writing a song! Getting people to listen to originals is not easy… Maybe, they are only meant to be enjoyed from within lol?