Monday, March 11, 2019

Enjoying The Color In The Smallest Things

He is an adorable little stinker and, he's a sweet cat boy.
Attachment_3.pngColor and springtime are making a comeback in my world. The crisis appears to be over and I'm beginning to really appreciates really small things. Beautiful things, colorful treasures .
This jar of candy was beautiful to me. The prettiest jar of hard candy that I have ever seen! I found it yesterday while walking through a Mediterranean market. It is an import from Germany. It it lovely!

Everything looks better in color!

We are big cat lovers around here. All of us are!
 she is beautiful, she is selective about when you can hug her.
This never happens as they barely tolerate each other ...


We are going to get some rain the next few day. We have been getting California's leftover storm precipitation. This looked dramatic the other day! I 

thought we would get slammed with rain but, it blew by us without a drop falling! Attachment_11.png
These ladies are such sweet friends of mine. They were with me in spirit in my recent hours of need. They even offered to come and sit with me in the hospital during my husbands heart surgery...

It is a big relief that he's doing ok after the post op complications. After spending an additional 8 days in the hospital, he's finally healing well!

Everything looks and tastes better after a crisis. It takes time to get back to appreciating the small things and appreciating the color.
Colour My World (Cover) ◀️ Click on my YouTube cover link.

It is spring break this week for the kids. My husband still has a few more weeks leave from work. Im looking forward to being able to play my keyboard again!

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