Friday, July 26, 2024

Domestic Abuse From A Survivor Perspective


Domestic Abuse From A Survivor Perspectivei

Something More Than Nothing by Tyna J. Phipps 

I happen to be most proud of my SoundCloud channel. It is truly an honest representation of my music catalog! Music from my youth as well as my originals. A collection of spirit filled musical treasures that have all touched me in some way.

I wrote this song from a wannabe survivor perspective –

Something More Than Nothing-

This, is my most recent and raw recording.

I don’t think many understand how hard it is to leave for good. The psychological impacts are devastating to a persons spirit. It leaves them tied to the abuser. Prolonged exposure creates – Stockholm Syndrome a.k.a, trauma bond.

When you lose yourself to the constant bombardment of character assignation it can become daunting.

When you have to live by someone else’s rule by threat, you comply for the hope of peace.

Trying to placate a narcissist is exhausting.

*When you find you have no financial resources then you are really trapped. It’s like a cancer that just keeps growing in your spirit. You start looking for all the good you can find. You try to be your best self. You try to shut out all the negativity and soul crushing words, rages against you.

*When you feel you can’t do anything to change your circumstance you begin searching for diversions. Self introspection for comfort and joy. A very lonely place to be.

It’s an awful place that teaches you immense self love, grace, and coping skills… Inner strength and an innate desire to overcome adversity. A lot of inner motivational monologues and manifesting meditation  as well.

Praying, pleading with God, and underlying hope as well as despair happen in times of abuse cycles. The whole gambit of emotions.

It’s a terrible, way to exist. Trying to overcome someone whose mission is to overpower and criticize anything good. Unless you walk in a wannabe survivors shoes- you probably would never understand how someone could get there and stay stuck.

Friday, July 5, 2024

My Independence Day Poke Cake Shortcake


My Independence Day Poke Cake Shortcake

This was pretty easy and by far my most delicious shortcake- 

I started by baking a white cake using milk instead of water and 3 whole eggs, not just the whites. 

While cooling the baked cake, I poked holes using a wooden spoon handle. 

I poured a can of Sweetened Condensed Milk into the holes. I then took a rubber spatula and spread the top of the cake to make sure all of the holes were covered with the condensed milk. 

I let the cake cool then placed it covered in the refrigerator for 3 hours. 

While it was cooling I cut my strawberries and added blackberries in a large pourable measuring glass bowl. To the combined fruit I added 1/4 cup of coarse raw sugar and 1/4 of water. I mixed the fruit well making sure the juices and sugar was completely dissolved. I refrigerated the fruit for later use. 

This created syrupy but yet chunky fruit to ladle onto the cake
I frosted the cake with 1 regular tub of Cool Whip. I love using Cool Whip with fruit! Cool Whip is a perfect balance of creamy whipped topping that isn’t too sweet. Frosting would be way too sweet! I adorned the cake with red, white, and blue sprinkles. 

This sat overnight as I made the cake in the 3rd of July. This allowed the cake time to absorb the sweetened condensed milk. 

Very easy and so delicious! Hope you had a terrific celebration. 

Ours was low key as it has been extremely hot in Phoenix. As I write this it is 5 pm. July 5 and it’s 🥵 hot. 

What I wouldn’t give to have a beach house somewhere to escape to! Or even a nice trailer somewhere cool. We become hermits trying to avoid the intense sun and heat. I do however take my dog for a 2 mile walk at about 6 am. If the temperature is below 90. Ugh . 

The life of the snowbirds in reverse. Leave for the summer and maybe come back in the fall? Maybe lol… 

This is typical July weather in Phoenix. The monsoon season should be renamed nonsoon. A no rain all dust and wind weather occurrence for many years now! I have watched this change happen. I’ve lived here for 20 years now. I’d really like to move but where ??? I’m working on manifesting a move. 🤔 . 

Have a terrific weekend!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Shingles By My Eye


Shingles Near My Eye

Oh the swelling! 
I delayed going to the Dr. because at first I thought I was getting hives from a new skin care serum I had started using. When the pain and swelling kicked in, I knew I needed to get checked out.

In addition to seeing my primary, I was seen by an eye specialist because the virus was so close to my eye. Fortunately I was able to get right in to an eye Dr. 

I was so relieved to hear that my eye wasn’t infected. I had a follow up appointment yesterday. I got the all clear conclusion that shingles is no longer a threat to my eye! 

As with everything that happens to me medically, I researched this virus from head to toe. I was surprised to learn that 1 in 3 people who have had chickenpox will get this awful virus! Herpes Zoster is the medical term for shingles. 

I was given an anti viral medication to take even though my primary thought it may be too late. I did take it and I believe it helped. The most concerning symptom to me wasn’t the actual lesions on my face. Under my eye, the bag filled with fluid. It was an odd sensation and very itchy. My brow bone was so painful! Pain radiated from my check to behind my left eye. This fluid under my eye just sat there so full that the swelling obstructed my vision. It was a humbling experience to try to get out and mix in public.

I kept busy although I had that crushing viral fatigue. I walked and I baked a pie between resting in bed. Did all of my normal household chores around laying in bed.

After the lesions appeared and scabbed over, I knew I was on the mend. Within a week of rest I was thrilled at my progress. The fluid is disappearing!

What an experience. Contributed factors in getting shingles- Stress, Immune system decline and age are the perfect trifecta for shingles. 

Things that helped get through the miserable symptoms- 

Ice packs on the forehead lesions and my eye. I took Tylenol a couple of times. I ate healthy foods. I drank a lot of water, took my anti viral med. I rested. Now, I am taking a multivitamin. I’m hoping this is a smart move? My Dr. told me Lysine is a good supplement for the immune system. Zinc as well. Vitamin D3. 

This is me today. Two weeks in to the shingles diagnosis. I’m definitely feeling better every day. I hear that you can get shingles over and over again. I was told that in 3 months, I can get the shingles vaccine. I’ll have to really consider this. I definitely don’t want shingles again! 

My initial symptoms started weeks before the lesions erupted. I had a burning and painful gland behind my left ear. This pain lasted a few hours. I wondered what the heck that was. My other symptom was random pain of my left eye . Severe burning pain 2 weeks before I became sick! Numbness, extreme tingling around my left eye was another odd sensation. 

*General fatigue and weakness… headache in my eye. 

*Raised welts and red rash. Fluid filled lesions- swollen glands 

Stay well! My hope is that by sharing this experience it will bring awareness to someone who might benefit from this post.