A Blog about life and living through my life experience and perspective. I am a writer, singer/songwriter childhood savant musician...Trying to find my niche and stake my place in society...
Leftover bananas. Usually, I’ll make banana bread with my over ripe bananas. I just wanted to switch it up a bit. I didn’t want to add nuts so I made the recipe without the nuts. Here is the cake recipe.
I didn’t have buttermilk so I added a couple of teaspoons of sour cream to 2% milk measuring to the 2/3 cup measure called for in the recipe. I stirred the milk and sour cream well before adding it to the other ingredients.I love this old cookbook! Tattered and beat up as it survived a significant fire back in the 90’s! It holds a special place in collection of cookbooks.Into the oven it went. 45 minutes later, it came out perfect!Easy!
After it cooled for an hour, I covered the cake and put it in the refrigerator for about 5 hours before I frosted it.
I cheated and used my local stores bakery made whipped topping icing. It is delicious, light and not overly sweet. Perfect for banana cake. I’m going to adorn each slice with strawberries when I serve it. Worth the calories ❤️
I took the opportunity to master a few of my SoundCloud tracks. I am a Pro member SoundCloudCreator. They have added the ability to master your tracks on SoundCloud. My tracks are all captured by my iPhone via #AudioShare, or #AudioCopy. No fancy software or mixing, straight up me live. Lol I had so hoped my tracks would be a good representation of my playing experience and ability. You can judge for yourself. I find myself wishing that my music could be taken to the next level. A bit more pro…
I love being a creator. Whether on SoundCloud or on YouTube, each have an element of fun and some challenges. The production factor on YouTube is something I’m still trying to master. Labor intensive but sometimes fun? I enjoy putting videos together via iMovie for my YouTube channel. I love to add my family footage to my videos.
As you can see, I’m having a blast trying to improve my tracks.
My mom had a saying. She would say, “For free take. For buy waste time”. I guess that pertains here? This is an incentive to record better quality tracks.
Anyway, in my daily life, my job is the business of running a family. As CFO and CEO of my household, I try to save money where I can! I have a college freshman this year and a 9 year old daughter to get back to school! Ia spite of the number of Covid-19 cases we have had in Phoenix, ASU has maintained that they will be allowing dorms to reopen! I fear that with the start of fall classes at ASU and NAU the COVID-19 case surge will be overwhelming. This could be very difficult for Arizona residents. We were all assuming lockdown protocols without a formal government imposed shutdown. We as a state, have done pretty well masking up. The latest Covid numbers have been falling! My concern is...what happens when-college kids live in dorms via communal living conditions? When primary grade school kids resume in person classes?Trust me, I’m ready to have my alone/quiet time back! But what will happen if kids start getting Covid-19 in schools? Will we all end up having to quarantine over and over for weeks at a time? Not to mention the odds contracting this nasty virus. A lot to think about as we try to live and educate the kids!
Our governor, has put school reopening decisions into the hands of the school district superintendents and educators to decide upon. Together with the local health department, stats, and criteria, decisions will be made within the next week. School will resume August 17th either in person or with distance learning. To be determined next week.
I’m going to try to be supportive although I really have concerns either way. I have to say, having everyone home 24/7 has been a challenge! I’m looking forward to having my life back!!! I long for the time to focus on my music and create! I still hold on to my hope of an independent future. Bad marriages only get worse during lockdowns. I’m ready for a fresh start!
A couple of new covers! I took a few hours to finish up a couple of song covers that I’ve been working on. I had such a great evening playing. Far and few between are my piano sessions but they are so much fun when it comes together! As I mentioned in a previous post, Lovers In The Wind was quite a challenging piece to cover musically. A different way of playing for me! I loved every minute I got to spend with this beautiful masterpiece of music! Made me appreciate the amazing talent that Roger Hodgson has!
The music to Beautiful just kind of washed over and through me. It was a complete joy to play these hauntingly beautiful chords. A very emotional song for me personally. It has always reminded me of my middle daughter who has mental health issues. She was a teenager when this song first became cake out. We had some really tough years… I had to make the tough love decision to send her to a special program school in Oklahoma. It was a terrible time for both of us as it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done!
This song played on the radio many times on the drive from California to Oklahoma and back. It was and has been an emotional trigger song. I wasn’t sure that I would ever be able to listen to it all of the way through again let alone cover it! I’m so glad that I did. It’s a beautiful song❤️.