⬆️My #SoundCloud Cover Track created and captured by #AudioCopy and my #iPhone, lol. I felt inspired to create this in light of the fact I am so saddened by the state of the USA and failed, flawed politics…
I created this track earlier in the week. I think it speaks volumes about people and our social structure. The things George Michael speaks about in this song are happening still. Only the players have changed… Today, it can be taken more about politics and the country.
We are all just by standers watching the two polar political parties throttle each other. Greed, power and egos all going at it… Even the average person seems to feel entitled to have a strong opinion and plenty to say to those who have an opposing view. So sad! Breaks my heart to see what is coming of our torn up government!
All of the disrespectful behavior back and forth being flung at each other. Literally tearing up and at each other! Acting like spoiled undisciplined savages. Making a mockery out of our constitution and the civility of our judicial system. How are we to be respected by other countries if we attack our own governmental entities, infrastructure and elected officials? I’m embarrassed by the infighting!
Whatever good that has been accomplished, is overshadowed by power hungry, hate mongers who insist on perpetuating division and hostility to the core of their sanity! It embarrasses me that our country has succumbed to allowing the trashy, indignant brawling, between the two political parties.
I’m don’t know you but I’m feeling pretty vulnerable and uneasy. Regardless of your political affiliation, surely you must feel that you can’t trust the government to be overseeing much!
We are all let out to play while they bicker amongst each other… Holy hell! Who’s tending the till?

Praying For Time Lyrics-
These are the days of the open hand, they may not be last-
Look around now, these are the days of the beggars and the choosers. This is the year of the hungry man, who’s place is in the past. Hand and hand with ignorance and legitimate excuses-
The rich declare themselves poor, and most of us are not sure, if we have too much but we’ll take our chances, ‘cause God stopped keeping score.
I guess somewhere along the way, he must have let us all out to play- Turned his back and all God’s children, crept out the back door.
And it’s hard to love, there’s so much to hate- hanging on to hope, when there is no hope to speak of. And the wounded skies above, say it’s much too late- Well maybe we should all be praying for time.
This is the year of the empty hand, oh you hold on to what you can- And charity is a coat you wear twice a year…
This is the year of the “Guilty” man, your television takes a stand and you find, that what was over there, is over here. And you scream from behind your door, you say “what’s mine is mine and not yours”. I may have to much but I’ll take my chances ‘Cause God stopped keeping score! And you cling to the things they sold you, did you cover your eyes when they told you- That he can’t come back ‘cause he has no children, to come back for!
And it’s hard to love, ‘cause there’s so much to hate- Hanging on to hope, when their is no hope to speak of. And the wounded skies above say it’s much too late- So maybe we should all be praying for time!

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