Dust Storm crossing into Arizona on Sunday. 

We drove up into a dust storm on the way home from California on Sunday! Thought it was an interesting pic of the wall of dust we encountered.
From the car that sits awaiting repairs, to a new Air Conditioning Unit that will be installed tomorrow. New tires an absolute must on our car before we travel to California this weekend to attend my mother in laws funeral! So along with the remnants of hurricane Nora, plenty of rain has been falling around here! Life and living and cars are expensive! When it rains, it pours! I can still hear my mother telling me, "Into each life, a little rain must fall". Lol I get it... "Uncle" ! "Enough"! Surely something really great must be right around the corner. Something amazing and personally rewarding right?? Something smile worthy please!
We made a fast trip to Salinas last Friday to help with the funeral planning and just to see my husbands siblings. My mother in law had been ill for many years and this past year, was horrible for her. Her health declining so drastically that she ended up having a leg amputated 6 months ago. The remaining leg also had to be amputated above the knee a month ago. She was really forced to make agonizingly hard decisions near the end of her life. Nobody ever wants to have to make decisions like that and then have to live with them. Brave I'd say! Extremely brave!
She died under the care of Hospice and private caregivers. A peaceful, loving end at home... I can't say enough wonderful things about Hospice. My mother also was under the care of Hospice years ago when she passed. A wonderful non clinical way to leave the planet. Dying at home with dignity!
I will be cooking/baking all of Friday to make food for the weekend of funeral events. We have three days of events so I thought I would make a few meals. Hopefully to offset travel expenses and to share with in out of town relatives. My plan is to bake a few small cakes, a Bundt and a Texas Sheet Cake are what I have in mind. Three batches of cookies for all of the kids that will be in attendance as well. Hopefully it will help to feed the many well wishers and out of town relatives that will be dropping by. It will probably be a good showing of people, love and support.
The food after the service has been taken care of. The funeral is going to be a very nice, well thought out and rather formal and traditional send off. Three days of events from the viewing, a church service and then a military burial on Tuesday. My father in law is a retired Colonel in the army so the military burial along with a Catholic Mass service, is what he and the family have chosen. I'm sure it will be a wonderful recognition in honor of her life.
Downgraded to a tropical storm, Nora dumped the remnants of moisture left in this system on Arizona. In Phoenix, we topped out at around 3 inches of water in just a few hours. A lot of water for dry as a bone Phoenix! The cooler temps that this weather disturbance brought is greatly appreciated. Although it is humid as heck, it has cooled off a lot. Our air conditioner broke during the storm. It's was an old unit but still I couldn't believe the rotten timing financially! Ugh!When it rains, it pours...figuratively, literally and this week in my heart!
Pouring rain and a flood of tears and tests. This week has left me perplexed as to the challenge that living a good life can be. This is my mantra and inspiration this week. This is my YouTube Musical Cover-
*Live The Life is written by Michael W. Smith. This, link is my cover video! I'm trying to do my best but sometimes life and living on a shoestring budget is a pain in the ...
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