Monday, January 15, 2018

Words Can Only Say So Much Praying For Time

A dear friend recently lost her son. He died suddenly of a heart attack. The day after he died, she received a beautiful letter from him. She said she knows that was all Gods doing. It is a treasured letter she says. She also reaffirmed to me that “tomorrow isn’t promised to us”. He died peacefully in his sleep... he was only 42 years old.  He actually died back in September but they just held the service for him a few days ago. In lieu of flowers, I sent to her one of these. I hope it helps to give her piece and some solace somehow... my heart aches as a Mom for her suffering. The loss of a child has to be layered with extra grief... I don’t want to ever know that pain first hand. I couldn’t think of many words to say to her to help her with the grief... All that I could really say is I love you and I’m here if you ever want to talk.  

I guess we all find ourselves “Praying For Time”

Today is the celebration of Martin Luther King ... I suppose that this fits in as well. Have a terrific day my readers!

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