Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Goodbyes And Taking The Long Way Home


Goodbyes And Taking The Long Way Home

My mission is complete with raising Zoe. We helped her and boyfriend Dylan move to Seattle. It was a beautiful but long drive from Phoenix. Every mile reminding me how far away Zoe will be from us. Ugh. This has been extremely hard as she was the baby of my children. I wasn’t young when she was born. I had her at 39 and a month after she was born, I turned 40.

She is the absolute dream daughter in terms of raising her. She reaches for a brass ring in everything she endeavors to do. Zoe is starting a 2 1/2 month internship with a prestigious accounting firm in Seattle. When that ends, she will begin a 9 month masters program at University of Washington. Once she completes that she will attempt her CPA certification.

Proud, is a tame expression of how overjoyed I am for her success and accomplishments! Over the moon better describes my feeling. I am missing her! I feel sad that she won’t be popping in to see us anymore! This process of allowing children to grow up and pursue their dreams, away…. Hmmmm lol! 

First time for me riding one of these!

Seattle is huge! Thank goodness for the great public transportation. I can’t see the kids wanting to drive there unless they have to! I rode this for the first time! It was efficient and convenient! Best part, my granddaughter and dog Luna rode for free! Being a University Of Washington student Zoe will have free rail privilege. Nice!

Moving in after 3 days on the road… 
From our hotel

I can hardly believe I left Zoe in this huge city! 

A city with no grass . My poor border collie couldn’t figure out how to pee there! Thankfully, she came through it with a smile on her dog face. She disliked the city!

Couer d’Alene Idaho had grass but I think this fake coyotes were to keep dogs off the grass. Can you see the WTH look Luna has on her face? 😂! Lol!

Love her ❤️She hung in there for this long car ride thru 7 states! Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah! We took the long way home…

Speaking of taking the long way home? These lyrics have been my life soundtrack in a nutshell for a very long time- just sayin…

https://youtu.be/YLP0y-X4uYs?si=XtQGwBfBAk24gTx9 (Roger Hodgson) -Take The Long Way Home ⬆️

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