Since We Are Living From Our Homes I Think House Is Relatable In This Time

I have started doing the grocery shopping online at our local Fry’s market. I bought my Easter Dinner grocery list online. I have never used the service before because as I said, I previously enjoyed grocery shopping. I pick up my order tomorrow from the curbside pick up available for my time slot. Hopefully, they will be able to fulfill the order as they have been out of many items.
It feels like a war zone in the stores. People aren’t friendly anymore and nobody smiles. If they do, you wouldn’t see a smile through the masks we all wear. We have all become good at social distancing. The eyes of strangers suggest that we are fearful of contact with everyone. Even on walks, people are diligently sidestepping each other in purposeful distancing. It makes you feel as lonely as hell!
Anyway, things have changed so much in the past month, I wonder how we will get the socio integration back of living without fear of strangers. It breaks my heart to see and feel the general vibe of being out in public… One thing I’ve noticed on my walks. We aren’t wearing masks because we have room to breathe. If you smile at a dog, they almost always smile back!

Today my feature song of choice is: HOUSE- written by Elton John. Here is the link, ➡️House ⬅️ I created this YouTube Cover Video a few days before last Thanksgiving… Who knew then that this, was coming?
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