A Blog about life and living through my life experience and perspective. I am a writer, singer/songwriter childhood savant musician...Trying to find my niche and stake my place in society...
Interesting how time goes by so slowly when you are in a crisis. A holding pattern or a situation beyond your own control. If I gave me my thoughts, they would probably be a lot like yours… Playing the blame game doesn’t change our situation. It just shouldn’t have happened and people shouldn’t have to die! I catch a glimpse of the news daily but I get too down if I listen to too much of it.
Saturday I took a few hours to play my keyboard. I posted a few of my #LiveFromHome songs. It’s funny how all of the big name artists are coming to you online “Live” from their homes. I’ve been doing that very thing for the past 6 years now. Watching them, leads me to believe that the playing field has been leveled!
I ran across this baby picture of myself. It’s clear that my fascination and love for playing was always a part of me! I played songs long before my hand could span an octave…
Since We Are Living From Our Homes I Think House Is Relatable In This Time
I made homemade face masks with bandannas I had laying around. They have been repurposed as I had been using them for informal patriotic dinner napkins. I never thought I’d be making face masks! I am wearing them when I have to go out to grab groceries and supplies. I’m really the only one leaving the house. It makes me a bit uncomfortable to be in a store. I used to really enjoy shopping too! Darn! Lol I wonder if shopping in a store will ever feel like a safe thing to do ever again? I feel like I’m risking it all for…——full in the blank. I have started doing the grocery shopping online at our local Fry’s market. I bought my Easter Dinner grocery list online. I have never used the service before because as I said, I previously enjoyed grocery shopping. I pick up my order tomorrow from the curbside pick up available for my time slot. Hopefully, they will be able to fulfill the order as they have been out of many items. It feels like a war zone in the stores. People aren’t friendly anymore and nobody smiles. If they do, you wouldn’t see a smile through the masks we all wear. We have all become good at social distancing. The eyes of strangers suggest that we are fearful of contact with everyone. Even on walks, people are diligently sidestepping each other in purposeful distancing. It makes you feel as lonely as hell! Anyway, things have changed so much in the past month, I wonder how we will get the socio integration back of living without fear of strangers. It breaks my heart to see and feel the general vibe of being out in public… One thing I’ve noticed on my walks. We aren’t wearing masks because we have room to breathe. If you smile at a dog, they almost always smile back! This goes for cats as well❤️. Today my feature song of choice is: HOUSE- written by Elton John. Here is the link, ➡️House ⬅️ I created this YouTube Cover Video a few days before last Thanksgiving… Who knew then that this, was coming?
During this terrifying time in history it’s hard not to catch the news. It’s everywhere you look! Constant reminder of what a dire situation the whole world is in. I can’t listen to the news without tears silently running down my face. I have moments that are so filled with despair!
I’m not alone although I feel extremely lonely! It’s terrible to hear your president tell you that we will all experience a horror with massive loss of lives in the next 2-3 weeks… Many will die and millions will get sick. Omg, “Calgon, take me away”! (Showing my age, with this reference…) More than a bubble bath with candles can fix! STRESS and fear come to mind.. Not to mention our very lives are at stake in the big picture. Facing our own mortality possibly? It’s enough to send you under the covers hiding out till the whole thing is over!
Honestly, if that’s the case then I’m going to eat that—- (full in the blank), lol! You start thinking of all the things you still want to do and accomplish!
This brings you to assessing your life. Maybe not a bad place to be in all of this. Making plans, goals, dreams and hope for the way you want your life to be. Maybe you even begin manifesting these desires through meditation and positivity… not a destructive choice of use of this time either. Maybe you even decided that you are going to be bold and take initiative in the relationships you wish to have. Still as far as I can tell, not destructive behavior.
I vacillate between moments of fear and proactive goal setting. I’m probably just like most of you. Trying to stay hopeful, healthy and looking forward and ahead to better days!
If we can make one new friend during this time and remind those we love that we do… Maybe it will comfort and ease the loneliness that comes with this dreaded beast! Our friends and acquaintances need to know they are sure important to us❤️.
My friend Lisa left these beautiful stems at my front door with a note yesterday. This morning when I looked at them, they had opened into a beautiful happy bouquet. Reminding me that with time, the world could heal and we can get back to living. Meanwhile, setting goals and making plans for the future are a great use of time. Maybe indulge yourself and eat that — too?
Here is a song that we can all relate to now! (My Cover), Silent Lucidity ⬅️Click on the link for my recent YouTube Cover Video.
Walking helps ease the stress as well. Practicing social-distancing … No social distancing required…kitty hugs are great❤️!
Wishing you well and all good things! Thanks for reading my post. Hang in there, surely this will get better for the world and soon.