A Blog about life and living through my life experience and perspective. I am a writer, singer/songwriter childhood savant musician...Trying to find my niche and stake my place in society...
My 10 year old still participates in Santa musings and the elf…
This year our elf has found a friend… so two elves move independently until they decided to move together? Lol … I had fun with elving around this year. Unfortunately I bet most of my cookies hit the trash before they had a chance of being eaten. I’m sure due to COVID-19 most of my neighbors probably were reluctant to eat them… I totally understand that! I so wanted to keep within my yearly tradition of sharing cookies with my neighbors. Maybe I should have just given them a bottle of wine? Sugar Cookies Gingersnaps
Assorted Shortbread
Oatmeal Peanut Butter Jam Thumbprint Cookies with Cherry jamPretzel reindeer and chocolate shortbread cookies Cookie plates that I gave to neighbors…I put together 6 plates…Amelia had some fun decorating cookies as well! She did a fine job for her first time! Amelia’s first Sugar Cookie effort…
After all of the elfing, we had Christmas…
The calm and relaxation after Christmas. It should be relaxing but is it??? Lol!
Here’s hoping that 2021 brings a better outlook. I look forward to new peace that will hopefully prevail! When a sneeze, is just a sneeze… May we nix Covid-19 and the fear/anxiety that surrounds this awful virus!
I baked a two layer chocolate cake from a mix. I added a nice healthy layer of chocolate frosting between the layers. On top of the frosting I spread half of a can of canned cherries. Stopping about 1/2 inch from the edge of the layer all the way around.
I frosted my cake with whipped topping frosting. It holds up better than just whipped topping. My local grocery store has this frosting in the bakery dept.
Whipped topping frosting spread neatly, I spooned the remaining canned cherries in a circle to the center of the cake. I piped borders of whipped topping around the center. I placed maraschino cherries evenly around the cake within the piped border. With a teaspoon, I drizzled melted Candy quick chocolate. It hardens well for an unexpected little crunch… I added a few decorative Christmas sprinkles around, piped a small circle of whipped frosting in the center of the cake topping it with one last stemmed maraschino cherry. Finished Black Forest Cake
This is a easy showstopper holiday dessert cake. It tastes better than it looks as it isn’t too sweet! My guests loved this cake and I was so proud to share it. I’m a homemaker, not a pro baker by any stretch… Fun and didn’t take the whole day!
I have done some serious yard work this week. The new grass seed is growing. The yard work in the front is about finished! I trimmed everything and swept every brick lol.
Yesterday I saw online that my favorite idol has had to cancel all of his 2021 concert/ tour dates. I was so hoping that maybe this next year I would finally get to meet Roger Hodgson! I have been hoping to for so many years! Of course, I wonder if he may end up retiring? I don’t know if he will ever want to tour after being away for what will be 2 years by 2022. Awwwww darn! I won’t give up hope but the likelihood is not looking favorable through a meet and greet… Darn darn darn!!! “Don’t Leave Me Now” Roger!
It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have a lot of angst and things to think through. This pandemic just keeps going and surging and making life difficult for all of us! It’s definitely taking a mental toll. My days are filled with projects, this was today’s. Projects to keep reminding me of what I can do rather than the things I have no control over. Projects to keep my hands busy rather than longing for an opportunity to play my keyboard. The house is taken over by a home office/ work. I have to keep the house quiet. Omg it’s driving me crazy tip toeing around here. Ugh. “Calgon take me away”!
*I also have not given up on playing music either. I still have songs to cover and to write! Here was fun moment I had just last year with Amelia! She was such a good sport!
This is a song I chose to cover a few days ago. The song reminds me of fall and of Thanksgiving. I love this old Gordon Lightfoot treasure. I always smile because I’m not very confident of my French Canadian translation here. I’m hoping that I’m close enough to do the song justice?
My growing oleander bulk trash pile…My flower pot flag holder lol…This adorns my front door. Too bad I never have visitors anymore lol. I miss entertaining! Awwwwww….I stuck a small stuffed animal Turkey in my wreaths… Wishing all of you a happy Thanksgiving celebration in spite of the trying times we are experiencing due to Covid-19. I hope that you are enjoying fall and getting ready for Thanksgiving. I will be cooking a feast. It will be low key this year. I am however going to enjoy the traditions and recipes that I have made for my family for years. Stuffing, cranberry jello salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli-cauliflower casserole, yams, turkey, rolls and of course homemade pies! Pumpkin, Apple and Pecan pies will be on this stand.
Author: tynajoymetzner
I've been a stay at home Mom for many years... I feel that I’ve earned a PhD in life experience! My oldest is 35 and my youngest is 17. This year, I adopted a Granddaughter who is now 9 years old.I’m on a quest to see all that I can be! I am a musician, singer/ songwriter as well. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWn_VTumL1QLpukYEamtzcg. Look for me on SoundCloud as well! SoundCloud Profile Link-https://soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps I would love to make money doing what I love! I enjoy many domestic things as well. I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated. View all posts by tynajoymetzner
Hi! Hope you are well and getting through this stagnant period of time… The waiting for life to return to normal is very hard for some of us. Others seem to be better at just living. In my family, I have a daughter and her family of four kids who seem to be out there living life almost normally! In fact, my oldest G-kid, is playing in his first high school football game tonight!
Another daughter, has a 10 month old baby and is being very careful. She stays home mostly and limits what her older kids can do. She does however have a serving job which puts her out there in public with many people. She was very sick in December and delivered her baby amidst coughing fits. I was as well right along with her and the rest of her family. We think we all had it through the holidays.
My youngest daughter, an ASU freshman who isn’t reckless but yet trying to live in a dorm. She’s been surrounded by Covid-19 as all of her roommates tested positive. She has remained Covid-19 free! Actually, we are pretty sure that we already had it last year as well. She actually was terribly sick last November. Although early, we are pretty sure she had Covid-19.
The youngest, my 9 year old granddaughter, started in person learning last week! She rides the bus to school with her mask on. I am really hoping that in person learning can be successful and continue throughout the school year. It has been a long and challenging 6-7 months of no friends and online learning for her! I see and feel the loneliness she has endured during the online learning process. She seems to be very happy being with her peers in a classroom setting. Even if it isn’t quite the same…
Waiting for the school bus… Luna and I wait with her.Luna is getting so tall! She is 5 months old now and we completed all 3 sets of shots. Now she walks with me almost every day! Don’t let the sad face fool you, she loves to get out and go for walks!I love fall. It isn’t cool here yet but mornings are pretty nice. I’m glad to have somewhat cooler temps to walk in! Still too hot for patio dwelling.
I took an opportunity that I had to revisit my music! I was actually able to create a few new videos for my YouTube channel. Here are some links…
If you like anything you hear, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! Your support means a whole lot to me as I’m a small fish in a very big YouTube sea! Drop me a comment if you have a minute. I always write back!