My daughter and her husband bought their first home. It is a Pulte home in a neighborhood called Cadence, in Mesa AZ. It's a truly marvelous built! Plenty of rooms for her four children with a game room loft area! Truly a wonderful experience for all of them. Britt told me working with Pulte and the development staff at Cadence has been wonderful from start to finish.
The development itself will be amazing when it is complete. The recreation area and pool are amazing. Plenty of wonderful amenities are definitely a draw for family living.
We helped install blinds on move in day. I helped my daughter unpack all day on Saturday. It was a blast watching her run around from room to room living out her vision for each. Putting little decorating touches here and there. Watching her hopes and dreams come true. Extremely heart warming for me to witness. It truly is going to be a marvelous home for them!
I almost wish that I too could start over in a brand new build... fresh new everything. For now, I'm happy to have inherited this new to me range/oven. Britt has purchased this a few years ago for the home they were renting.
I decided to make a coffeecake. I created this recipe. Hope it's good! Apple Cinnamon Pecan CoffeeCake
Finished Cake ⬆️
I absolutely enjoyed every minute of baking this morning!
Happy New Years Eve. May you enjoy every last minute of 2018!