Wednesday, November 29, 2023

YouTube And TikTok Goes The Clock


YouTube And TikTok Goes The Clock

Christmas Time 2023, let the decorating begin. 

So much has been happening that I haven’t had the time to post. A lot of family dynamics good and bad. Busy and a reluctance to bore you lol! 

Musically, I’ve been creating more content for my YouTube channel- Shorts have been fun to create as well. You’ll find a variety of content including my home life, cooking/ baking endeavors and my pet besties.


I also have a TikTok account where I post regularly.

I have chosen to create content because, it’s fun! I love experimenting with special effects and music. Another artful and creative outlet that keeps my mind busy. 

Please check out my channels! Leave me a message while you’re there! Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season ❤️.

-patio dwelling-