Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Visit Home To The Central Coast Of California


Friday, March 24, 2023

A Visit With My Bio Father Whom I Never Met


A Visit With My Late Bio Father Whom I Never Met

A visit with my biological father whom I found about 18 months ago. He actually died on the day that I gave birth my last child, almost 21 years ago. I would have loved knowing him. I’m so very sad that I missed out. I decided that I would however visit his grave since that is my only option. I had a one sided chat with him graveside…

TikTok Link-

Others who have passed in his family were in that cemetery as well. Lots of them! I spent a little time walking the rows of Brock’s and Aday’s. My grandparents and great grandmother were there as well. – YouTube video Link 

The cemetery was quaint and lovely. A beautiful little place with wandering geese. Absolutely charming. I’m so glad that I was able to finally make a visit there. I suppose it was cathartic and the next thing to closure that I’ll get. I can put this unrest to rest as I have worked through the process of disclosure, yearning and learning information, acceptance and now realization. 

R.I.P Bobby Brock ❤️- Be at peace Tyna Joy .

Author: tynajoymetzner

I've been a stay at home Mom for many years... I feel that I’ve earned a PhD in life experience! My oldest is 35 and my youngest is 17. This year, I adopted a Granddaughter who is now 8 years old.I’m on a quest to see all that I can be! I am a musician, singer/ songwriter as well. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel Look for me on SoundCloud as well! SoundCloud Profile Link- I would love to make money doing what I love! I enjoy many domestic things as well. I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated.