Fool’s Overture Cover In It’s Entirety

This music only cover is written by my favorite composer. Roger Hodgson is a remarkable composer musician. My love for this artist spans nearly 5 decades! To say that meeting him is on my bucket list is an understatement. Sadly, I may have missed my opportunity as he is not touring anymore. Below is the link!
Music Only Cover of Fool’s Overture-
I’ve been infatuated with Roger’s original of my cover for years. So many times after listening to it I marvel and think, “who thinks like this?” “Who can write a song like this?” Absolutely stunning and perplexing in the same breath…
Anyway, I got a new rig/ toy/ gadget for Christmas that allows me to be able to play and record my music in silence. My husband works all day from home and I’ve been so sad to give up this musical part of myself. It has literally broken my spirit. This new rig will allow me to record and practice my chops… lol the only thing about it I don’t like it that it records in mono… What I do like about it is the direct sound quality with no amp, less distortion and feedback. I can plug a mic in as well. I recorded this music only version. Roger’s voice is what’s missing from this scaled back piano version.
I have the silliest daydream/ fantasy of Roger sitting beside me on my piano bench and singing the vocals… Told you I have it bad for this composer!
A girl can dream! Hey I’d be content with a quick meet and greet after a concert…
Never give up on your dreams. I’m 60 years old and I still have some, dreams and chops!