Happy 4th of July 2022 From Me To You

I just recently poured a ton of energy and elbow grease into getting my house ready to sell. If you have ever tried to live in a house you need to show, you know of my hard effort. Constant cleaning! I’ve lived in this house for 17 years. Although I clean all of the time, deep cleaning and some touch up painting was necessary I felt.
By the time we listed the house, the interest rates had gone up and the selling market here came to a stand still. We missed the great selling market by a few weeks! It was rather an experiment any way. Kind of like fishing to see what you can get. I got a very clean house with some small but appreciated repairs out of it. I worked very hard to get show worthy. We had 2 “Open Houses“, a total of 3 people came to both showings. So, decided now isn’t the time to sell.

I had to put my keyboard in the garage… I was so hoping for a larger house so that I could have a space to play my keyboard. I do love my house though. I’m not sad to be staying in this house. This, was my inheritance. I purchased it in 2005. It’s complicated now and I would lose half should I divorce… A terrible reason to be stuck in a marriage but, my plight.
I feel it to my core every day and have for years and years. Ask anyone who stays in a marriage made in hell and they will tell you layers upon layers created their situation. It’s never one thing, it’s layers of things that are overwhelming and it becomes easier to stay rather than facing the inevitable losses.
I suppose an element of losing an inheritance becomes a sense of letting your family and deceased relatives down. Prideful maybe? Or just realistic and practical? Ugh. Or a shared responsibility in giving someone the power to control your destiny… especially when they remind you on the daily what you’ll lose if you go. I should only hope that there is a special place for those who choose to attempt to control people in this manner.
However daunting I’ve found my life experience, it did result in personal creativity. I’ve written songs and poetry about my life and my circumstances. Cathartic accounting of my darkest and happiest days!
Something More is a song that I wrote about this very plight.
Escape a symphonic layered track that I composed…
Lost In The Game my original!
I’ll Dream Of You Tonight my original, romance novel in a song lol
I make the best of each day, so much more than my situation in my life is amazing! So many things to be grateful for and so much love to be had!