Something In The Air A Musical Affair

Plenty of domestic chores have taken my time this week. I so miss being able to play my keyboard! I keep my hands plenty busy. Whenever I get an opportunity to play, I take it! I’m always happy to steal a few min or hours.., Here is my recent SoundCloud Link⬇️
(Cover) Something In The Air & Layla my latest upload to my SoundCloud channel.
With St. Patrick’s Day coming up I couldn’t resist making Corned Beef & Cabbage. Homemade biscuits were fun to make and were good with the boil. Once a year, isn’t enough for this delicious meal!

I also took a minute to break out my old grade school flute. I realize this might be a bit rusty but I couldn’t resist attempting the flute cover in this song. This is all me, the vocals, piano and flute cover. I didn’t have much time to get this fine tuned lol… I had a ton of fun with the creating process though😁!
*Colour My World is written by James Pankow of Chicago
*Something In The Air-written by Thunderclap Newman
*Layla- written by Derick and The Dominos and I believe, Eric Clapton
Anyway, I sure have fun with music! My big escape! Playing music is the most wonderful stress reliever I’ve ever found! I love the times that I can escape into my music… originals as well as cover music!
Thanks for taking the time to listen and subscribe!